Saturday, December 28, 2024

söpö bagel

Yesterday Satoshi met up with his tour guide friends, so I went on my own adventure to Musashi Koyama

I went to check out Söpö Bagel.

Söpö means “cute” in Finnish. 

I’m glad I knew this before I went because their bagels were “cute” 

I purchased their walnut fig and their bacon cheese (left), both were 270 yen (tax included) each

Their sizing was uneven, I don’t think they really weigh while making these because the bagels were all different sizes 

When I chose, I tried to take the largest ones, still I think they were about 3 inches wide?!

The walnut fig was a bit disappointing, not much walnuts or dried figs.

Since I stuck the bacon cheese bagel into the freezer, I hope it won't disappoint when I do eat it.

Still, I'm glad I tried them, won't be back though.

Söpö Bagel

5-14-14 Megurohoncho

Meguro, Tokyo

Open 8:30-17:00


  1. Hope that bacon cheese bagel is better than the walnut one Kat!


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