Friday, December 27, 2024

this and that

the Ritter sport chocolates I recently bought are different sizes!

They were just okay, kinda similar in flavor, but I'm glad I got to try them
My cousin always sends us a family calendar through Shutterfly, this year it got wet.

Satoshi gingerly opened each page and ran the hair dryer over them, then we hung it up to dry

Glad the photos didn't get ruined.

Ranunculous...thought this color was unusual

Tried the maitake burger at Shake Shack...last month V's daughter A, tried this.

It has maitake, shiitake, shiso, a red miso mayo and monterey jack cheese...would get this again.
Tokyo Furry People: This furry one was saying "let's go"
Host sister, T, sent us these cute chocolates by Cafe Tanaka's Regal de Chihiro...thank you!

There are coffee beans, dried fruit, roasted soy beans and cookies that are covered with different flavored chocolates...delicious

Satoshi brought home Tochiotome strawberries on Christmas Eve...they were super sweet!

And then he brought home this tiramisu by C3, delicious!

We recently tried the curry ramen at Coco Ichibanya.

I had it with crispy chicken, while Satoshi had his with tonkatsu.

It's been fahreezing here, and really dry, so there have been many fires.

Not to mention, influenza, mycoplasma and covid are on the rise...

"someone" still has his cough...glad I got rid of mine.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. That burger looks so good and the chocolate tin so cute. Keep warm and take care.
    Bonny Ogg

  2. That burger looks really good Kat! Take care and be safe....the flu is getting really bad here.

    1. Thanks Kirk, you be safe too, Take care! Kat

  3. I gotta look for that cafe tanaka regal de chihiro. looks so ono! I see thay have one in Nagoya and Umeda.
    I think I had the flu last week so stayed home from work and also missed family Christmas gatherings. Still coughing a little and still tired but we haven't finished setting up our offices after moving past couple of weeks. Cant' find anything!!!

    Have a Happy New Year!

    1. Hope you are feeling better V! Take care, Kat


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