Tuesday, January 14, 2025

back to hachiju

We went back to Hachiju the other day for lunch since the shop was featured on a New Years program.

After showing our point card, I chose their ajitama as my free topping.

The owner "heated" up the egg when he scooped up the noodles from the pot, but the egg could've been a tad warmer...

Still this was a good bowl of ramen.

Previously I said the soup was porky, apparently they use beef…oops!

Satoshi had their moyashi (bean sprout) ramen and he chose menma (seasoned bamboo shoots) as his free topping.

We found out they also have an okonomiyaki shop in Shibuya, so we want to try, since moving to Tokyo we haven’t found okonomiyaki that we like


  1. Looks great for cold weather Kat!

    1. Kirk, I'm glad we didn't have to wait for seats outside the shop :) Take care, Kat

  2. Uuuuuuu. Yours looks so ono. Good luck on finding good okonomiyaki.


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