Monday, January 13, 2025

foodie saturday

Saturday, we went to see "The Solitary Gourmet" (Kodoku no Gurume) movie.

It was mostly food and mostly fun.

Since the movie ended at about "our lunch time", we went to look for something to eat.

Spice Factory inside of the JR Shinagawa Station, seemed like a great place, not a long line...

Buy your ticket at the door...I chose Spicy Chicken Curry...1000 yen (tax included)

And a spice egg...170 yen (tax included)

The curry was spicy, there were all sorts of Japanese side dishes, even sweetened pieces of apple...

Do not get the spice egg, it was cold.cold.cold!

Satoshi tried the Keema Curry...1000 yen (tax included)

He said enjoyed this
After lunch we tried to visit Hebikubo Shrine, since it is the Year of the Snake...but the line "snaked" around several blocks...and at the very end of the line we were told it would take 3 hours!

Since it was kinda fahreezing...we decided to walk to Hatanodai instead 

cool looking book store along the way
for banana and chocolate parfaits with coffee at Caferia
And then picked up dinner (german potato, and demi glace hamburg) from Frou Frou

It was a nice day, lots of food and some walking...


  1. I'm trying to remember if that Curry place was the one Maude and I tried last year. Plating looks familiar and I remember really liking it. Didn't order the egg, whew!

    1. I think they changed their menu V, but I think you mentioned eating here, Take care, kat

  2. haha I loved your 🐍 pun!

  3. Some good eats...except for the cold egg Kat!

    1. Kirk, cold egg is a no no :) Take care Kat


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