Friday, February 07, 2025

this and that

Nian gao zapped = nice and soft (left), somewhat pan fried = no, too messy & hard (right)

Kaldi’s kakinotane chocolate
Wish I bought more! love the crunch from the kakinotane
The other day as I was walking back from the market, the ground had all these black pebble looking things and it sounded like it was being dropped from above I looked up and “bird convention” and they were pooping! Glad I didn’t get hit!
These cookies from Ginza West were disappointing, kinda bland, glad I tried them though
This sasanqua tree was so pretty!
Kichijoji People: this guy's leather gloves looked cool

Kichijoji People: delivering the veggies
Kichijoji People: interesting coat
Wakako Sake manhole: Kichijoji
Kichijoji People: hoping this lady was at least a little warm working outside...

Tokyo People: this delivery guy's bike, all kinds of gadgets

We're having a cold spell all over Japan at the moment.

Hope you have a safe weekend.


  1. kakinotane choco bar sounds so ono!
    But, did you notice that woman is sitting where the sun is hitting. I wonder if she moves as the rays move, LOL
    strange how the gau did not soften up when you pan fried. I fry mine in butter and then sprinkle kinako. No sugar because gao is sweet enough.

    1. I think I might have had the heat on too high, V:) Take care! Kat

  2. The bike reminded me of Moped-San that Nomad Push's (YouTube) Robin-San rides in his videos. He's a homeless guy who's trying to go to all of the provinces in Japan within a certain amount of time. He gets a sticker from each province that he visits and sticks them onto a storage container on his moped.

    1. I will try to look for this video Jalna :) sounds fun Take care, Kat

  3. That chocolate bar looks good Kat! Interesting collection of folks and how they dress!


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