Sunday, January 09, 2011

morning meeting

In Japan, before they start their work day, most businesses have something called chorei (morning meeting). 

Usually this is to go over the day's schedule, important events and sometimes they even do exercises together. 

I think it is technically a "pep talk", to rev workers up for the day. I recently noticed these workers at a ramen shop having their chorei in the snow (see the white flecks?), they were shouting "irrashaimase" (welcome) and "arigato gozaimasu" (thank you) and practicing their bowing. 

Do people meet in the mornings similar to this before work in your country?


  1. When I was in college, I worked at a large department store for a little while. Everyday started with a pep-rally of sorts and all the managers and employees working the opening shift (maybe 75-100 employees or so) would gather before and it was really like a high school rally. All sorts of cheering and contests. It was downright ridiculous and pointless.

  2. Definitely not, it's typical of Japanese culture I believe. And a great thing!

  3. H, I guess some would see it as unnecessary.

    Glad you feel that way Fatgarfield :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Hmmm... I think that didn't come out the way I intended. I meant that the pep rally at the beginning of the day at the department store was very, very American. Cheering, chanting, prizes tossed out... I didn't mean the Japanese practice was pointless and ridiculous.

  5. Hey Kat - We saw the same thing around China, mostly in front of fast-food type restaurants.... though it looked a lot more military in bearing.

  6. no prob H :)

    Kirk, I think Japan and China have a somewhat military type culture :)

    Take care you two.

  7. I interviewed at a company that meets every day at 10:47 (they use the odd time) to "huddle." I thought it seemed a bit excessive for that company but I think it has it merits. ;-)

  8. that is an odd time to meet Debinhawaii!

    Take care.

  9. They should have this all over the world. Nothing wrong with starting out on a positive note (exercise, that is). In general, people who run off for work in Italy will stop at a bar for coffee (espresso) and a pastry, to be finished quickly while standing at the bar. No eggs and bacon!

  10. Wow! sounds like they are literally running around Rowena!

    Take care.


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