Thursday, August 16, 2012

wild ophelia

If you've been an avid reader, you'll know I'm always on the lookout for new chocolates to try.

Recently, these caught my eye.

Wild Ophelia is actually a collection made by the creator of Vosges chocolates.

Their 44% milk chocolate with beef jerky actually reminded me of the Vosges' Mo's Bacon Bar, except with a more distinct beef jerky aroma.

And the 62% dark chocolate with ancho, chipotle, cayenne & cinnamon in it reminded me of the Vosges' Red Fire Bar.

Even though they don't seem as pricey as the Vosges bars, they are smaller in size.

I found these at Price Busters and hope they bring more flavors in.


  1. Fun! I always love finding new flavors of candy/chocolate as well.

  2. these were definitely interesting but tasty, K!

    Take care.

  3. Ooh, interesting. I like the taste of meat (even though I don't eat it anymore), but I think the jerky chocolate might be a bit much for me!

  4. it definitely may be overwhelming for you LJ!

    Take care.

  5. Neat! I must check Price Busters out the next time I'm on Oahu.

  6. hope they have these when you check them out Anon!

    Take care.

  7. I'm up for the one with beef jerky in it. Now that sounds good!

  8. I usually choose dark whenever possible Rowena, but salty beef jerky needs something sweet to balance it :)

    Take care.


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