Sunday, March 03, 2019

miura kaigan sakura festival

Yesterday, the weather was beautiful.

Perfect to check out the Miura Kaigan Sakura Festival.

From where we live it took almost and hour and a half to get to Miura Kaigan Station.

You then need to walk almost 1 kilometer to where the row of sakura trees are.

It was pretty because the nanohana (rape blossoms) were in bloom too!

They had some food stalls at the Komatsugaike Pond & Park area, but the food looked kind of sad...

On the way to Misakiguchi (the end of the train line), we stumbled upon a farm that was selling all sorts of veggies and picked up a whopper of a cabbage...

When we got home we weighed it...2.2 kilos (4.85 pounds)...and only 150 yen! (Thankful that Satoshi carried it around)

Lunch was at Donguri.

In this area it is all about the maguro (tuna).

I ordered the Zukemaguro Donburi (tuna soaked in a soy based sauce served on rice) and maguro karaage (deep fried tuna)...1650 yen (tax included).

This came with a super tender cooked Miura Daikon topped with miso, some pickles and miso soup.

Satoshi went with the Zukemaguro Donburi with yari ika nitsuke (squid simmered in a soy based sauce)....1600 yen (tax included).

His lunch also came with the super tender cooked Miura Daikon topped with miso, some pickles and miso soup.

He said the squid was super tender too.

The maguro karaage was so good, the flavor tasted like mochiko chicken....

Satoshi helped me eat part of my donburi...overall everything was delicious!

Apparently you can see Mount Fuji from this area too...we'll be back to explore the Misaki Peninsula area, but we were glad to be able to check out this festival.

489-11 Hassemachi Shimomiyada
Miura, Kanagawa
Phone: 046.888.7790

If you're interested in checking out more photos and some videos, look at the Miura Kaigan Sakura Festival in the Photo Gallery.


  1. absolutely gorgeous day of blooms and look at those eats!!!!

  2. can't believe how beautiful the weather was Rowena...we've had 2 straight days of rain.

    Take care!

  3. Looks like a fun side trip. And great weather too Kat. And a bombucha cabbage bigger than Satoshi's head too!

  4. Kirk, weather definitely makes a difference :)

    Take care.


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