Wednesday, February 09, 2022

another year

Monday marked another krazy year around the sun, but am thankful just to be able to celebrate it.

My host-mom in Kobe sent me these cookies from Freundlieb (thank you!)

I miss this cafe! actually miss just being able to hang out anywhere…

Host-sister, T, sent me French chocolates and biscuits (cookies)...thank you!

I went to Jiyugaoka to order something for my host-mom's birthday which is coming up next week.

Before coming home, I stopped in at Comme'N, a bakery that I've been wanting to check out.

He trained under the chef at Ça Marche, a favorite bakery of mine in Kobe.

Then opened a small bakery in Takasaki, Gunma.

In 2019, his team won the Mondial du Pain contest in France and in 2020 he opened Comme'N, near Jiyugaoka.

We tried the cream cheese cranberry raisin, proscuitto camembert (and butter), hot dog and cake brioche.

Everything was delicious.

The cream cheese cranberry raisin had a huge piece of cream cheese in the middle...yum!

The hot dog had cheese and some sauerkraut. The sausage was good!

The proscuitto camembert surprised me...I toasted it before eating and realized there was lots of butter in it when I bit into it and it started dripping!

I couldn’t let the melted butter go to waste and used the cake brioche to mop it up…

The cake brioche was light almost fluffy and I loved the caramelized walnuts on top.

They have x-ray cash registers, so when the tray of baked goods is placed on the scanner, the prices and names of the items pop up on the register screen (so there are no mistakes!)

What was also nice is they messaged me and thanked me for posting on Instagram.

Love their business cards, it looks like those tags that they use on bread bags...I'll be back whenever I'm nearby.

Yamato Nadeshiko from Satoshi, a delicate carnation with a slightly spicy fragrance.

Dinner was meyer lemon chicken...I sprinkled some lemon garlic seasoning then cooked the chicken in a pan with some olive oil.

When the chicken was almost cooked through, I added slices of meyer lemon to caramelize in the pan...delicious!

Thanks for today.

7-18-5 Okusawa
Setagaya, Tokyo
Phone: 03.6432.1061
Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Hours: 7:00-18:00

p.s. Over the weekend, I found these huge meyer lemons at the market that were grown in Mie Prefecture...2 were 198 yen (plus tax)....and have been using them in cooking or as a condiment.


  1. Happy Birthday! or as happy as it can be stuck and home 2 years in a row!
    those pastries look and sound delicious, great write up, all the butter oozing out.
    Is that a cut carnation or plant? so delicate.

  2. it is a cut carnation, but I've also seen them growing wildly V. The wild ones are more frilly and more frail looking.

    Take care!

  3. Happy birthday, Kat! ^_^

  4. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like some awesome eating and thoughtful gifts...hope your birthday next year will be much less restrictive! Any plans to visit home this summer?

  5. Thank you Kathy!

    Thank you Jenny! coming back to Hawaii this summer will all depend on the quarantine restriction for Japan...

    Take care you two!

  6. Happy Birthday! Love the plating of your food!!

  7. Thank you Jalna:)

    Take care!

  8. That bakery has some good systems in place Kat!

  9. I think so too Kirk :)

    Take care.


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