Tuesday, April 04, 2023


Awhile back I tried using kuruma-fu but it was too watery.

This time I soaked the rings in water for at least 6 hours and squeezed out as much water as I could, not "gently" as the package says.

After squeezing out the water, I soaked it in the milk and egg mixture overnight that I use whenever making french toast (1/2 cup milk + 1 egg) .

This turned out a little watery but not as watery as when I first tried it.

Another way I tried it was pan fried then drizzling some leftover obihiro pork bowl sauce.

After squeezing out the water, I added a little oil to a heated pan then sauteed the pieces 

When the pieces were heated through I drizzled the sauce to caramelize.

It is a nice meat substitute.

If I think of other ways to use it, I'll post about it.

And if you have a different way to use it please tell me about it in the comments.


  1. Jalna, different :)

    Take care.

  2. should be a unique source of protein too, which reminds me of how strange it is to see more hi-protein products (milk, yogurt, puddings) at the supermarket.

  3. Rowena, just glad it gives me another protein to cook with.

    Take care.


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