Wednesday, April 05, 2023

this and that

ma-go-wa-ya-sa-shi-i bento from Kyotaru
loved this crunchy salty chocolate by Lotte...did you know that the Japanese say "crunky" for "crunchy"?!

Bummed there were only 5 in the package though...
Takewaka's barachirashi was delicious and had all sorts of things in it...1100 yen (tax included)

At first when I saw this, I thought those black things were olives but they were kuromame (black beans), the sweet kind like for New Years.
Monday, I got the Pho Bo from Banh Mi Xin Chao...790 yen (tax included) to go.
I like that they packed the soup separate from the noodles and the broth was still warm after my walk home.

The meat was a little overcooked but overall I loved the flavor of this. 

Counted 7 cyclamen flowers
AND I noticed a couple of sprigs of freesia (that I hope will bloom)...whoo!

Tokyo People...walking her furry ones


  1. yay for the cyclamen and freesia!
    That lotte crunky looks like black thunder!
    where's the moyashi and basil in the pho? That's the best part, LOL

  2. I guess basil might be expensive V, not sure why they didn't serve with moyashi though

    Take care.

  3. Yummy-looking food! And awesome about your plants.

  4. Do you know that basil is really easy to grow?, even in water? I usually have a sprig in a jar of water or plant some, and if I pull off the leaves, stick the stem back in the soil or water.
    Because Costco started selling cup noodle pho and is it prettyy good, really handy to have some growing, (which is also why I started sprouting mung beans).

  5. yes! I knew those cyclamen would bounce back. I keep an 'eye' on my neighbor's yard and he never takes care of the flowers, still, the cyclamen pop up every year ^-^

  6. Thanks Jalna!

    V, I was reading something online and Northern Vietnam garnishes their pho with only cilantro and green onions, whereas South Vietname garnishes their pho with bean sprouts and basil

    Thanks Rowena!

    Take care everyone.


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