Thursday, April 11, 2024

semi-sakura walk (kanda)

When I went to Kanda Shinoda, I also went a couple of doors up to Omiya Yogashiten because I wanted to try their sakura butter roll, this was a "drier" cake, which kind of reminded me of dacquoise, an almond cake filled with buttercream, this version was topped with salted sakura flowers.

The buttercream actually had bits of sour cherry in it, I'm glad it didn't overpower anything...500 yen plus tax

I'm glad I got to try this.

And this rolled cake for Satoshi...350 yen plus tax

This looked like a moist sponge filled with lots of whipped cream and fruit in the middle
I also picked up their baked piroshiki, small curry pan and tuna sandwich...580 yen plus tax 

The tuna sandwich had big pieces of onion in it, glad the onion didn't have a bite to them

The curry pan was spicy and the piroshiki was meaty

I'm glad I tried these and will try others items the next time I am here. 

Shohei bridge on the way back to JR Akihabara station
(photos uploaded wonky)
Waterras, an office complex across the street from Omiya Yogashiten had several cherry trees around their entrance

It was forecast to rain, so I wanted to make it home before it did.

Still, I'm glad I got to see a little more cherry blossoms.


  1. Never get tired of seeing photos of Sakura!

  2. ooooh that sakura butter roll sounds good!

  3. glad you enjoyed Kirk :)

    Jalna, it was :)

    Rowena, it was delicious :)

    Take care everyone.


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