Monday, December 02, 2024

thanks for today

Went to Mount Takao with V & A on Friday.

The Autumn Colors have finally started, so everyone was out and about

We took the lift since the line was the shortest...950 yen (tax included), round trip per person
no filters
we brought musubi for lunch, good thing, the lines for most food items were krazy!
Someone needed rescuing, there was even a teeny ambulance that came afterwards...hope they were okay and it wasn't anything too serious

Points if you can see Mount Fuji with a little cloud on top
It was nice bonding with nature
We were glad the weather was really nice
super cool in the shady areas
Mount Takao (big furry) people : so many furry ones along the way
The ride down was scarier! and fahreezing

It had been 3 years since I'd been to Mount Takao, there have been some changes in the area near the station, but it was nice to be outside

Thanks for today V & A!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kirk, glad you enjoyed! Take care, Kat

  2. first time I used the chair lift. Sure beats walking uphill and even downhill when my toes get jammed! Perfect weather too!
    Thank you for joining us!

    1. loved the chair lift, V, but going down was scary! thanks for inviting me, Take care! Kat


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