Sunday, December 01, 2024

this and that

Tokyo People: first time to see a welder working in the Meguro River

Tokyo People: looking at this woman's jacket as we rode the escalator....I think someone's fingers were on the wrong keys
cool bicycle
Kanagawa People (probably)
Remember the buttery baby castella? well I found a cutie in 
the bag amongst the orbs...teeny rabbit

Tokyo People: when you so busy you gotta walk and work at the same time

Went to Blue Poppy Bakery to pick up a pumpkin pie for us to share after our Thanksgiving dinner.

I also purchased their brioche lox and molasses spice cookie...1600 yen (tax included) for everything
I had the brioche lox for lunch and shared the cookie with Satoshi.

The brioche was delicious, lots of cream cheese, smoked salmon and herbs

The cookie was dense with lots of!
Used this hack I saw online to put a cupcake or mini pie into the refridge

Since the container is deep it acts as a high "roof" to protect the frosting of a cupcake

By using the cover to hold the pie, you don't have to worry about messing up the pie trying to put it into the container

For Thanksgiving dinner, I made poached chicken which we had with cranberry chutney and tried V's kaki caprese hack putting it into a salad with mini mozz and topping it with balsamic vinaigrette.

Yakiimo with kouign amann spread and pumpkin pie from Blue Poppy Bakery

The crust of the pie wasn't too good and the filling was missing a spice that I can't put my finger on, but it was nice to enjoy all these foods.

did you know that "black friday" is a thing here? they start a couple weeks early and end a couple weeks after...more like a "month"..ha!

It's the start of December! 


  1. A month of Black Fridays! Wow! I don't know about those "smart people" Kat! ;o)


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