Thursday, June 20, 2024

fuchu city local forest museum

We've been to Fuchu City Local Forest Museum to see ume, higanbana and now for hydrangea.

This was my lunch view yesterday, I bought musubi (konbu & ume) from the convenience store and sat under a tree inside the park.

So thankful there was somewhere to sit and with shade! it was blazing

The little ones (and big ones) keeping cool
Opposite to the ume orchards, Annabelle, a white hydrangea variety covers a hillside, so beautiful!
lots of other hydrangea varieties all around taking me to different parts of the park
it was nice to see but like I said, it was blazing!
luckily I brought my secret weapon , though it was fully melted by the time I was about to go home.
There were lotus flowers outside of the park on the way back to the station.

I'm glad I got to check the hydrangea out here….13231 steps


  1. Is this the place we went to look at the ume research garden? So pretty.

  2. yes this is the same place V

    Take care.

  3. Jalna it really was :)

    Take care.

  4. Some major steps Kat! And it does look really hot right now.

  5. Kirk, so blazing.

    Take care.


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