Monday, December 30, 2024

10 photos

Easy Pupu : had to try this after seeing this photo, it was easy, different, and delicious

Nira (chive) sauce : easy and delicious to put on tofu and other types of proteins
Reconnect : reconnected with Mom’s Bread & Butter Pickles
Frito Pie : 1st time making frito pie, delicious! Fritos are not commonly found in Japan, so had to bring some back from Hawaii to try this.
S'mores : 1st time for BFF to eat s'mores! glad she now knows what she had been missing
Monkey Chews Kitchen : a tiny French restaurant in our area was a nice way to celebrate our anniversary
Karuizawa : 1st time to this area, we now know it is cooler here than in Tokyo
Furry Get Together : 1st time meeting these 3, it was a nice get together
Atami : 1st time to this area, beautiful beaches and sunrises

Shimoda : 1st time to this area, delicious fish and sights

I started this round up back in 2008 as part of a meme, nowadays, I use it as a nice way to look back on the year.

We didn't try too many new recipes this year, so I included 1st time experiences to make this year’s 10 photos


  1. That recipe using the Kiriotoshi sure looked good Kat!


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