Do you have church bazaars in your neighborhood? We had a pretty big one today. It was called "The Taste of Hongwanji". The Honpa Hongwanji is one of the largest buddhist organizations in Hawaii. Every year they have a bazaar and the food items are supposed to be based on the recipes from their collection of 6 cookbooks. My mom's church, the Pearl City Hongwanji participated in this bazaar.
Every year from January to March when I am home, I go to help the Fujinkai. The Fujinkai is a group of ladies (like a club) within the church. Fujin is wives, kai is group. These ladies get together to make tsukemono (pickled vegetables), sushi & baked goods to sell at this bazaar. And the amount of tsukemono that they make is nothing to be scoffed at either, we're talking hundreds of pounds of daikon (radish) that need to be peeled then sliced! They also use hakusai (chinese cabbage or called makina in hawaii), nasubi (eggplant), kyuri (cucumber) and carrots which are then marinated in different sauces and different types of tsukemono are made.
Sushi was rolled the day before the bazaar and boy, did they roll...over 600 of them~! (yipes!)
And baked goods baked a couple of days in advance.
There was LOTS of great homemade food including jams and jellies. Plus, there are plate lunches! Plate lunches are basically your whole meal on a sectioned plate, usually styrofoam box type with a cover. A basic plate lunch in Hawaii consists of the main dish, macaroni salad and 2 scoops of rice (at some places, you can get more that one main dish!). There was teriyaki barbequed short ribs, chili and rice, stew and rice and curry and rice plates. I had the chili and rice! It was spicy and delicious!
Another thing that they had was rotisserie chicken by Koala Moa. Whole chickens are cooked rotisserie style while moving down a ramp (as it cooks, it moves down the line!). This is a newer version of cooking chicken in Hawaii, when we were growing up we used to have "huli-huli" chicken. Huli-huli chicken are half chickens sandwiched between two large grills then flipped. The flipping action is called "huli-huli" in Hawaiian (a lot of school organizations used to sell these chickens as a type of fundraising). I prefer the rotisserie chicken because is doesn't get as burnt.
The only thing that hampered things was the weather. It apparently has been raining in Hawaii for the past 3 or 4 weeks! That is a LOT of water...
Still we were able to sell most of our goodies and eat some good food!
Hope you are dry where you are.
Take care and have a great week!
Wow Kat! What nostalgia I felt in "real time" when I read your post. I love when they have those church bazaars and always look forward to going there just to eat. Sounds like you had a lot of fun!!
Regarding your comment that you made about the opihi... Remember that song by The Ka'au Crater Boys?
Opihi man in the sun,
Opihi man grab your bag and run,
Opihi man another swell is coming your way ;-)
It was great to read this as I read about a wonderful event that's obviously something you enjoy.
But I also loved this post because it's clear you're having a wonderful time ... enjoy the rest of your trip!
Hi Rowena,
Yes, I remember and like that song! Unfortunately that is how my uncle lost his life... :(
Had a nice time despite the wet sunshine.
Hi Ivonne,
It was nice sharing.
Take care.
Yumm, it all sounds so yummy and a lot of fun! Funny you should mention "huli-huli" chicken--as I just went to Alan Wong's restaurant here, and they had recommended it on the menu, so I tried it, lol, but I had no idea what it really was, or the story behind it, so thank you! It was good, but I love rotisserie chicken!
Glad to hear you're have such a great time! :D
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