Tuesday, October 15, 2024

spaghetti no pancho

Yesterday, we checked out Spaghetti no Pancho, a chain restaurant that specializes in napolitan and meat sauce dishes.

Buy the ticket for your meal and enter, the L shaped counter is kinda tight, so you gotta walk sideways to get to your seat...

The condiments...parmesan cheese, pepper, lemonasco (lemon tabasco), a shoyu based looking sauce and tabasco

When they serve you your order, they tell you that you can use these condiments if you wish.

Satoshi ordered the "nami" (medium) napolitan...890 yen (tax included)

He also added a sunny side up egg...100 yen (tax included)

He said he enjoyed this.

 I ordered the small napolitan...790 yen (tax included) (click on the video to see the steam)

I like that they don't use just ketchup for their napolitan, but their own sauce, it wasn't sickly sweet and there was lots of meaty and onion flavor.

The amazing thing is that the medium, large and mega sized napolitan are all the same price...890 yen (tax included)...very welcomed for people who want to eat a lot.

We want to try the meat sauce versions next, we'll be back.

Spaghetti no Pancho
7-4-9 Nishi Kamata
Ota, Tokyo
Open daily 11:00-22:00 (weekends and holidays), 11:00-23:00 (weekdays)
*cash only

Monday, October 14, 2024


Yesterday, we went to Tokorozawa in Saitama Prefecture to check out several areas that we were interested in.

One thing I wanted to do was find the 3 different Pokemon manhole covers that are in Saitama. 

Luckily, all three are located around Tokorozawa.

This is Tokoron, the prefecture's mascot
We went to check out the Aviation Musuem, where apparently the first planes took off from in 1911.

There are many displays and explanations of the history of aviation (in Japanese) 
And many planes/helicopters displayed
 They were also having a festival, so it was pretty lively all around. (click on photo to view the video)

From Tokorozawa, we went to the Nishi Tokorozawa area to check out the Seibu Lions baseball stadium

It is right outside of the Seibu Kyujo (stadium) station

All kinds of photos and areas with the players displayed
From the stadium, we went to Higashi Tokorozawa to check out the Kadokawa Culture Museum
This museum was featured on a Red and White Song Contest back in 2021
The museum as seen from another angle
You can take photos (but not videos)

There are manga areas, as well as book areas.

If I am not mistaken all the books have been published by Kadokawa
The last of the pokemon for us to find in Tokorozawa
Taking a break with Sayama tea soda and soft cream

Sayama tea is the tea grown in Saitama.

Not an expert on tea, but this was similar to green tea we've had before.
Musashino Reiwa Shrine, modern looking shrine which was built in hopes for the continuing growth and development of Japanese culture 

Loved the reflection on the windows/walls of the shrine

It was quite a long day, the weather was nice (and hot).

Thankful wee got to see all that we wanted to.

Tokorozawa Aviation Museum
1-13 Namiki
Tokorozawa, Saitama
Open 9:30-17:00
Check their website for days that they are closed (only in Japanese)
Admission: 520 yen (tax included) per (adult) * cash only

Kadokawa Culture Museum
3-31-3 Tokorozawa Sakura Town
Tokorozawa, Saitama
Closed: Tuesdays
Hours: 10:00-18:00
Admission: depends on how you want to spend your time here. Standard admission, 1400 yen (tax included) per (adult)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

sliding door

Have been waiting to capture this...

The garbage people here ride 3 in the cab.

When the two jump out, their door is usually the sliding kind.

I thought this was neat because sometimes the roadways are quite narrow and doors cannot be opened outward.

Do the garbage people where you live have something similar?

Friday, October 11, 2024

this and that

Tokyo People: this furry one looked a bit “squished” into this backpack. (there was another woman with another furry one in her backpack that looked “squished” too that was travelling with this woman)

(probably) Tokyo People: muu-muu and furry sandals are apparently in

City Bakery's pretzel bagel, this was delicious!

chewy like a bagel and sorta like a soft pretzel 
Tokyo People: this guy had huge chains on his ankles, and was making clunking noises as he walked around
Earlier this week was my mom's birthday, she would've been 85...miss you!

Thought I wrote about these but couldn't find a post...

I like these Kurumikko from Kamakura Beniya, "kurumi" is walnut, "ko" makes it "cute"

Kurumikko are walnut caramel slices

not sure when I learned about these, but have loved them from back when we lived in Osaka

I couldn't resist the cute can that they came in.

Told Satoshi we should check out the factory in Yokohama

Tokyo (furry) People: ready for the rain

Subway's teriyaki chicken sandwich...I added egg salad.

I love the convenience store version of this combination and wanted to try it from Subway's....would get this again.

1st time trying this, thinly sliced lamb covered with panko and 9 different spices like powdered shoyu, salt, pepper, powdered red bell pepper, chili, rosemary.

I pan fried this, it was tender and delicious, would buy this again.

Tried the chocolate moussed latte at Starbucks switched the milk out and asked for almond milk instead...overall a little too sweet for my liking, but glad I got to try it. (photo from Starbucks' site)

These Trader Joe's dried mandarin orange pieces that we received from Jenny, are so soft and ono! (thank you!)

It's the start of a 3-day weekend here, hope you have a safe one.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

it’s that time of year

It’s that time of year, for my physical check-up, plus Satoshi had a conference the past two days.

No need to wake up early to make bento and only needed to cook for one…whoo

Hopefully my results will be good...hungry!

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


The crosswalk from the East exit of the JR Kamata station used to be more to the right.
Not sure when they moved it to the left but was surprised to see it this way yesterday.

The weather is November temps & rainy today...brr

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

on the lanai

New leaves coming in on the Blood Orange (as well as the freesia bulbs that are in this pot)...
Cyclamen's leaves are coming in too
As well as freesia...

Relieved to see that freesia and cyclamen have started to have leaves, it has been quite warm so I was a little worried...

The temperature is supposed to drop 10 degrees later today...eep!