I bought a bento (boxed lunch) from a convenience store. I usually don't buy my lunch from a convenience store because they mostly have fried foods in their boxed lunches.
This bento was featured in a magazine that I buy twice a month called SAITA.
The bento had (from the top row) vegetable nishime (vegetables boiled in a soy sauce broth), niku dango (a meat dumpling), tamagoyaki (seasoned scrambled egg that is cooked in layers), kinpira (burdock root thinly sliced and cooked with chili pepper & soy sauce), hijiki (a type of seaweed cooked with corn and beans) & kokumai (literally "black rice", the grains are black and when you cook them with some white rice, they turn the white rice a purplish color) mixed with some sweet potato...it was delicious...pretty healthy, huh?

A couple of years ago while walking along the Gion shopping arcade in Kyoto, I came across a shop, Ousunosato, that sells ume (pickled plum) products. I started with the ume dressing, it is great on daikon (radish) salad.
Since I can't go to Gion all the time, I now order different items from them through the mail. Can you believe that they let you pay the delivery guy when he delivers the items? You don't have to put a down payment or anything!! Very trusting.
Hi, Kathy & Satoshi!
I am interested in the BENTO!
I know the convenience store where sells the box lunch is near my house. My mom often visits there(^^ゞ It would be nice for me to try it and it would be easy for me to feel happy by tasting it. I will try! Thanks for your info!!
Unluckily... we(my mom and I)could not find and eat the box lunch...
My mom really wanted to have it, so we will go another convenience store near us.
Sorry, I forgot to mention, I found it at the 7-eleven convenience store. I hope you can find it!! Take care.
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