Before I left Hawaii, my Aunty M1 made some delicious scones. Some to try while I was still in Hawaii and some to bring home with me. The ones that she made for me to take home were lavender scones! They are so flavorful and fragrant. We enjoyed them on my first morning back from Hawaii (Thank you!!)
Sunday, it rained ALL day long. I "semi-"planned ahead and decided to do all of my grocery shopping ahead of time. I said "semi-"planned ahead because as I was about to make my veggie soup, I realized that I had forgotten to buy carrots, so I had to go out into the rain. :(

Changing the subject, the technology of cellular phones still amazes me.
Satoshi left for a business trip on Saturday. He is managing a tour to Ayers Rock, Australia. This tour was a charter, so all the passengers on the flight were only from this tour. At first, the tour wasn't selling and Satoshi thought that I may have to fill a seat, since they were going to fly the plane at full capacity or not, this meant I had to come back from Hawaii a bit earlier than planned, but it turns out that the tour filled with no cancels...oh, well, I guess he'll just have to take me one day :)
I thought he had to be the tour guide for this trip (he did too), but since he's a manager, he's just there to make sure everything goes smoothly.
This morning, the phone rang at about 8:30am...you could hear very strong wind in the background...I said, "Hello"in English....no answer..."Moshi-moshi"in Japanese...still no answer...finally, I could hear Satoshi...he was calling from the TOP of Ayers Rock! (I've noticed that a lot of Japanese do this, call people from the TOP of some mountain and say, "guess where I am...the top of---".) I wonder if it is some kind of trend?...although, he and his group of baseball friends often after getting drunk, call other baseball friends and say, "guess who I'm drinking with...---" and then they pass the phone around to talk to each other.
Well, today is a sunny day, so you know what day it is....laundry day!
Enjoy your week!
LMAO @ the calling from the mountain top--I've never been on the top of a mountain, but I suspect if I had thought of it, I would call someone too, lol! That sounds like a cool job your DH has!! Oh those crocs look great--actually, in my latest magazine, Gabrielle Reece, who has a house in Maui, was wearing them in all of the photos in the magazine, so they are definitely hot, and practical. I think I have to go croc shopping now, lol. Those lavendar scones sound awesome!
Hi TM,
Glad I made you smile :)
I got my crocs at Down to Earth, they were cheaper than buying them from the kiosk at AMSC.
Take care.
yum. scones and lavendar ones to boot. do you have a recipe for that? fun story about uluru/ayers rock!
Hi Bourgogne,
Will ask my aunty for it!!
E-mail you when I get it. ;)
Take care and email your funny story about Ayers rock!
Homemade lavender scones from Hawaii... lucky you! The part about the Ayers Rock cracked me up, how cool is that?
Hi Rowena,
The scones were good, not to lavender-y.
Thanks for stopping by!
Your writing is so very charming, Kat. This whole post, from the scones to Ayer's Rock, put a smile on my face.
Thanks for the idea for making lavender scones, by the way. I have to try these!
Hi Tania,
Glad I was able to send some smiles your way. :)
I posted the lavender scone recipe, please try it!!
Take care.
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