Monday, January 20, 2025

back to hebikubo shrine

This past Saturday, we went back to Hebikubo Shrine after Satoshi's dental appointment.

The line was long but not as krazy long as the week before.

Apparently there were a lot of snakes in this area before so the area was called Hebimura (snake village)

The area to wash your hands was decorated with all sorts of chrysanthemums
Floral display at the main temple
Snakes to "pet"…touch different parts of the snake’s body to take different sicknesses away on your body and to also protect different areas of your body from sickness

Near the waterfall, points if you can see the snake like rock.
Close up of it..looked real!

Satoshi usually cannot look at snakes, not even the ones on tv or in magazines!

We were glad that the line wasn't too krazy when we went and hope the Year of the Snake will be a good one.

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