Sunday, March 16, 2025

thanks for today

Wednesday was forecast to rain after lunch but was drizzly from the morning. 

My aunty had thought to check out Meiji Shrine, but we decided to go to Ueno Park instead.

The kanhizakura, an early blooming variety, was starting to bloom.

the area with botan (peony) is closed until April but they had a few outside the area.

Really pretty
really gaudy orange lanterns have been put up and are waiting for the pretty season to begin

Gojoten Shrine, first time visiting this shrine in Ueno Park
early iris blooming
this ume would've been beautiful to see a week or two earlier
pretty camellia

And an early blooming sakura tree near the Keisei Ueno station

Even with all the walking, and stair climbing, my phone's pedometer says 0, boo!
Lunch was at Sarabeth's near JR Shinagawa station.

This was the best falafel I've had, crisp on the outside and light and “fluffy”on the inside and it was in their Buddha Bowl...quinoa, zucchini, eggplant, avocado, arugula, feta and pickled beets

Loved the middle eastern flavors, I would eat this again!

I'm glad I got to spend more time with family.

Thanks for today!

Atre Shinagawa 4F
Minato, Tokyo
Hours: 9:30-21:00

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