Thursday, March 20, 2025

virtual hugs

If you’ve ever wondered why there aren’t many trash cans on train platforms or just around the city, especially in Tokyo, it’s because of this

One of the scariest homegrown terrorist acts in Japan

Today marks the 30th year since it happened 

Sending out virtual hugs to those who lost someone or were badly injured on that day


Anonymous said...

seriously sad that some people have their brains wired differently.

K and S said...

V, just glad that more people did not die, though I heard last night on the news that those who had severe reactions still battle with the side effects to this day :( Take care, Kat

Saburo said...

I was in Tokyo visiting my brother with a friend that week in 1995. We woke up that morning to every TV channel focusing on what seemed like the same subway exit. My friend, fluent in Nihongo, kept shaking his head and kept repeating, サリン??! My brother actually frequented a couple of the subway stations targeted for his work commute but fortunately he wasn't anywhere close to danger.

Twenty years later, me and Mom were at the counter of a local sushi restaurant which had the TV channel set to NHK. We had just watched a big upset in the last match of that day's Ozumo Haru Basho. After sumo, NHK began its 6:00 PM newscast and the very first story was the anniversary remembrances at those same subway stations.

Thirty years go zoom...

KirkK said...

Oh man, I remember reading about that Kat! So very sad....

K and S said...

Saburo, I am glad you and your brother were not in danger's way, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

indeed Kirk, take care, Kat