These cards are usually sent to family and friends whom maybe you haven't talked to or seen in awhile. We usually write these cards in different shades of blue. Why blue? Blue is supposed to give a cooling image similar to water.
After August 8th (which is risshu or the first day of autumn according to the lunar calendar), the greeting changes to zansho omimai or literally visit or inquiry for the remaining heat. The cards are still written in blue.
This photo is of the cards which I sent to Postcrossing members.
I hope you are keeping cool where you are.
What a beautiful custom!!!
hope you are having a great summer too Kat!!
Thanks Beadexplorer!
I would be enjoying it more if it weren't so darn humid, Dhanggit :o
Take care you two.
I love that--especially the writing in blues to give the cooling effect. I need to try that Postcrossing site. I think I need to find some cool postcards to send first though.
I hope you enjoy Postcrossing, I've sent about 90 cards within two years, there are others who have sent way more though.
Take care.
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