Thursday, January 30, 2025

nian gao

Lucky to find nian gao at Tokyo Doujiang Seikatsu…350 yen (tax included)

(In Japanese, they pronounce it "nengao")

They had two types, one with adzuki bean and one with black sugar

I chose the one with black sugar

It also came with instructions on how to eat it...

  • zap in the microwave for 10 to 20 seconds 
  • steam 
  • fry in a pan 
  • wrap in puff pastry and toast 
  • wrap in spring roll wrapper and fry

My mom used to make her own gau, and it used to be super sticky...if you didn't wrap it properly mold would take over...

This one was firm and easily came out of the aluminum pan.

Hope to try frying it in a pan and zapping in the microwave.

Not as sweet as my mom's version, glad I got to try this one.


Anonymous said...

I love gau. When our offices were at Pier 41 the Chinese woman who ran the cafeteria made the best gau. Not too sweet. She still sells her gau in some of the Chinatown market. Lucky we're not close by anymore because ate way too much gau.
I wonder if the place you bought yours from keeps them for a few days so that it hardens up, I love that serving suggesting of wrapping and frying. Gotta try it! we just either fry in butter or egg wash or microwave and yah, that thing molds over if left out.

jenny said...

Haven't had nian gao in so long, can't bring myself to buy one when I used to get it for free from family all the time. I guess nian gao isn't such a big thing in my family anymore. I think I rather buy the chinese white rice cake to eat...haha!

jalna said...

Uuuu. It's been awhile since I've had gau.

K and S said...

Hope you like the different ways to eat it V! Take care, Kat

K and S said...

I know! no can when you can get from family, Jenny! Take care, Kat

K and S said...

Jalna, me too so I had to try this one :) Take care, Kat