Friday, March 14, 2025

devi india

My Aunty and her husband were here so we met up with them at Devi India on Monday.

It was a little tricky to find because the place was not properly noted on Google maps.

I ordered the Tandoori plate, this came with chicken, shrimp, a sausage and tandoori chicken, oh and a little veggies

Delicious but way too much food!

My aunty ordered the same thing and also ordered a naan.

Satoshi was actually not sure he could make it, but luckily he was able to come!

He had their shrimp curry, onion naan and ordered a salad too, he was hungry! because he didn't have time to eat during his tour...

My Aunty's husband had the butter chicken and saffron rice

Everyone enjoyed the food and there was leftovers

Aunty gave us all sorts of omiyage from Trader Joe's (even another mini TJ bag) and sweets from Shirakawago (thank you!)
My other Aunty gave us a big bag of mac nut chocolates (thank you!)

Glad we could spend some time with them 

Thanks for today!

Devi India
inside the Shinagawa Yokocho
3-25-23 Takanawa
Minato, Tokyo
Hours: 11:00-14:30 (lunch), 17:00-22:30 (dinner)


Anonymous said...

i've been craving curry lately too. My sister made some before she left for a Korea tour but she puts too many veggies in and not enough curry sauce so everything waters down and tastes bland. ( added a small block of SB to my leftover and it was waaaay better, LOL).

K and S said...

glad you doctored it up V! take care, Kat