August 31st is Blog Day 2006.*
I came across this event on Chef Paz's blog. The rules are that you need to post about 5 blogs that are new to yourself and introduce them to the rest of the blogging world.
Sorry, I could only find 4:
Elke's blog: Quilterin2006, here she showcases her quilting (or so I think, I can't read German). Elke lives in Austria and we met through Postcrossing.
Mia's blog: Miaspostcrossing. Living in Finland, she also participates in Postcrossing and shows off all the cards she has received through trades.
Laura's blog: My Journey. A friend from Hawaii, who recently started blogging about her faith and different encounters.
Ellie's blog: Kitchen Wench, a Melbournian, whom I met through B.P.W., she has some delicious adventures and a cute Golden named Mr. Woofy.
*I'm posting this a couple of days early because I'll be on vacation (yes, we housewives need them too!) Satoshi and I will be heading up to Hokkaido, which is the North of Honshu--mainland Japan--it is also 10 degrees plus cooler! (woo hoo! and yes, it is STILL hot and humid here....) We'll be back in a week or so, then be heading out again over the next weekend to go to Kyushu, which is an island to the Southwest of Honshu and hopefully not too hot!
Be back soon with lots of food photos and adventures to tell!