Yesterday, I said "Aloha" to an old friend...(In Hawaii, "Aloha" can mean different things--hello, good-bye, love).
My friend helped me finish the 1998
Honolulu Marathon, as well as many other walking and running events that year. And in recent years, helped me take early morning walks whenever I came home.
"Mahalo" (thank you!) dear friend.

Changing the subject, on my recent trip to Hilo, we found these purple sweet potato at the Farmer's Market. A whole bag (with about 5 or 6 in it) for only US$1.00! Before steaming them, they were a light lavender color, and afterwards became this vibrant blueish-purple color. Super sweet and delicious!
Mmm... ube stuffed pastries.
just love ube pastries. There's a new filipino bakery in Waipahu that has ube pandesal. The light and fluffy pandesal with ube stuffed in the middle. Yes! The bakery is near K's bento called Valerio's Tropical Bakeshop. If you like puto, spanish rolls, and other filipino desserts they have it. This bakery mirrors the ones located in Daly City, CA from what people have told me. Their address is 94-861 Farrington Hwy, Waipahu, Hawaii, phone number 671-4742. Hopefully you'll have a chance to check it out and maybe pick up a K's Bento too! Take care!
those potatoes look like edible yummy geodes. i would love to try them one day. mahalo and aloha!
Hi Kat,
Still here in Oki.
There's a flight in 2 hours. leaving shortly.
Wish me luck!
Thanks for the info, Laura!
Aren't the colors pretty, Bourgogne?!
Sweet potato anything is delicious, IAJB.
Hope you can get a flight out, Nate! Chinese NY is this weekend!
Take care everyone!
I love these potatoes. I've been to the big island twice and ate as many as I could while there. In Chinatown here in Oakland they are sold as Hawaiian sweet potatoes (since the crop comes from there) but I hear the variety is really an Okinawan sweet potato. I made an ube ice cream at the new year and am hooked. I'm convinced that just about anything made with this is heaven.....
Thanks for your infos.
Speaking of runs...I got a message from my boss the other day that he's running some sort of fun run on Oahu this weekend? I'm thinking that must be the Great Aloha one? Anyway...always, always great to hear about news back home (i'm so jealous!). The purple spuds of course already made my head spin when I saw the pics. All that for one dollar?!! What a SCORE!
Yes, D-man, I think they are a variety of the Okinawan sweet potato.
You're welcome, Pom d'api.
Yup, the Great Aloha Run is this weekend, Rowena. The purple potatoes were definitely a steal!
Take care everyone!
Those potatoes could make for a pretty interesting presentation.
Aloha! I like the sound of your potatoes. I definitely like the colors. So, do you still run?
Hi Kat!
I had no idea that you were a walker/runner! Good for you!
Don't you just love the color, Brilynn?
No Paz and Ivonne, I just walk now.
Take care everyone!
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