Saturday, October 19, 2024

yagicho honten

Had Yagicho Honten on my "to try" list.

They have been in business since 1737 and have been selling items to make "dashi" like katsuo bushi (shaved bonito), kelp, dried shiitake and other items.

I tried their hitokuchi (one bite) onigiri...270 yen (tax included) each.

When I asked the guy working there which one would he recommend, he said “all”

I chose these three:

Orange: hari hari zuke (daikon pickles) and sesame seeds

Blue: konbu tsukudani (simmered kelp) and sesame seeds

Red: homemade ume boshi (pickled plum)

Each onigiri is covered with katsuo bushi (shaved bonito).

Bummer that the katsuo bushi overpowered the ume (pickled plum) and hari hari zuke (daikon pickles)

Dunno if I'll be back, but I'm glad I got to try these.

Yagicho Honten
1-7-2 Nihonbashi Muromachi
Chuo, Tokyo
Open daily: 10:00-18:00

1 comment:

KirkK said...

I'm always suspicious when you ask for a recommendation and they say "all".....