Wednesday, September 05, 2018

supermarket finds

Trying two new (to us) fruits...plums and hebesu.

The plums were from Yamagata...bummer that the first one we tried were hard, not too sweet either. Hopefully the other 3 will be better.

Hebesu is a citrus from lime but not as sour...delicious!

It is fun discovering new fruits and veggies.


KirkK said...

Too bad about the plums Kat.....though the limes make it "cup half full".....nice that you get to explore all the different produce.

Anonymous said...

LOL, since you're from Hawaii, don't you love hard fruits? I think last year, the markets started shipping in something called cherry plums. They are so sweet and crunchy. Kind of wonder if they are supposed to be softer/juicier when ripe, but regardless, they are so good.

K and S said...

I think those limes make up for it too Kirk :)

lol V, I'm spoiled now that I live in Japan :)

Take care you two.

Rowena said...

nice, I would snap these up in a second. I just found (online) a local farmer that grows pawpaw fruit and he promised to reserve a dozen for us til Friday. we need more diversity!

K and S said...

nice that you can communicate with the farmers nearby, Rowena!

Take care.