I was baking pasta in it last night. I had it on the "gratin" mode....the element came down to toast the top of the pasta. Apparently, the element came down quite hard and hit the edge and was touching the edge for some time.
By the time I noticed it (was when I smelt the pasta burning), because it wasn't rotating. The element had "grabbed" onto the dish and wasn't going to let it go.
The burnt part of the pasta was actually really good and crunchy....still I hate to throw this dish out.
I probably need a new oven soon too...
Agg! Sorry to hear about the pyrex. Hate it when stuff like that happens. But a new oven...now that sounds exciting. With a convection option, right?
Btw, I cracked up reading about your "hot springs" comment on the gecko. Really, Hawaii is hot enough already as it is!
That's too bad. I hate having to get rid of a favorite piece of kitchenware. Good luck with getting a new oven. Are there a lot of shops near you that sell appliances?
Aww I always get kitchen silver ware or anything else ruined in the kitchen :S
I love my 8x8 Pyrex--it's the perfect size for dinner for me and my hubby, plus leftovers for lunch the next day. Sorry to hear about yours. :(
Thanks Ruthie...I bought a new one right after posting this :)
Yikes, Lili3!
There are many nearby, Jenster, I guess I'm waiting for it to "die" before I replace it.
Thanks Rowena, hope you were able to fish the gecko out :)
Take care everyone.
the great thing about pyrex is that they're (generally) easy to find and get. but it's still a bummer about the old 8x8 - though the thought of a new oven is fantastic. i bought a new oven for my parents a few months ago and now i probably spend more time baking at their home than my own!
OH poor you, Kat! You can now look forward to a new oven. Although I am not in favour of having something destroyed so it can be replaced.
Thanks Phoebe and Grace, I bought a new dish. Will have to wait for the oven to "die" to buy a new one :0
Take care you two.
Hope you find one that is similar to your old one =)
Thanks Jennifer, I was able to find a similar one :)
Take care.
Don't feel bad...I burn everything.
Thanks Anon & Rachete!
Take care you two.
You bought American Pyrex or Japanes Iwaki Pyrex?
The one that cracked was American, Nate, the new one I bought is Japanese Iwaki.
Take care.
i'm so glad i stumbled onto your lovely blog. i shall visit it weekly from henceforth. i love japan and have been making a yearly pilgrimage for the last 3 years. am counting down to march when i will visit again. have a happy day everyday xoxo
Thank you BrainWave, I hope you enjoy your next trip to Japan :)
Take care.
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