Wednesday, March 17, 2021

echigoya tareido

When we were in Kyoto, we received this castella from SIL.

I did not know about Echigoya Tareido.

Apparently they have been in business since the end of the Edo period!

Love the package!
Since we could not eat all of it before the expiration date, I sliced it and then wrapped each slice in plastic wrap and stuck it into the freezer.

Love how quickly the castella defrosts, only about 30 seconds in the microwave.

Thanks SIL!

Echigoya Tareido
133 Hanshuin Maecho
Kamigyo, Kyoto
Phone: 075.431.0289
Closed Wednesdays
Hours: 9:00-17:00


jalna said...

This just made me ono for a slice of poundcake that my sister just gave me.

K and S said...

Jalna, your sister’s poundcake sounds ono!

Take care:)

Rowena said...

I've been meaning to bake one many things to bake and not enough time.

K and S said...

Rowena, and so many ideas on social media too:)

Take care!

KirkK said...

Man, talk about some history Kat!

K and S said...

indeed Kirk!

Take care.