Tuesday, September 05, 2023


Ever since Kitsune to Hachimitsu closed back in 2020, I've been waiting to see what would happen to the building (the pinkish one)

Apparently the larger apartment building to the left of it is on the same property.

Well, they've started getting it ready to tear it down.

The other day when I passed by, an elderly man was getting all his belongings out of the building...he had quite a bit of things.

Hoping nothing too tall will be built here.


Anonymous said...

so sad to see taggers hitting the buildings. Maybe it was nice of them to do it to a building that is scheduled to be demolished, NOT!

jalna said...

Graffiti! How unusual. No?

KirkK said...

Hoping they don't destroy the harmony of the neighborhood.

K and S said...

V, I agree

Jalna, no not unusual these days, sad yeah?!

Kirk, me too

Take care everyone.