Wednesday, September 04, 2024


Found croongji at Seijo Ishii...538 yen (tax included) for 2

These were huge!

About 8 inches in length.

A little chewy but super buttery.

Was also surprised that the bag was not sealed and only closed with a bread clip

Glad I got to try this. 


Anonymous said...

Much bigger than the last one in size and price. But it feeds two and the main thing, it's delicious!
Bonny ogg

jalna said...

Sounds awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty big Kat!

Anonymous said...

What is that? Also Kat can you please do me a favor and tell me what the name of this snack is? I 've been searching for this since my visit in the 70s and been wanting to know the name. Mahalo!

K and S said...

it was bigger and more expensive but ono, Bonny! Take care, Kat

K and S said...

Thanks Jalna, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

it really was Anon, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

I hope I opened it properly N, there was a man mixing batter, it said that it is a baseball castella made to look like glove, bat and ball, Take care, Kat

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks so much, it is castella but without the anko. Much Mahalo, N

K and S said...

Glad that was the right video, N, Take care, Kat