Friday, September 20, 2024

this and that

Been watching this Taiwanese drama, "Gourmet Affairs", I don't understand Taiwanese and the Japanese subtitles are a little too fast for me, so I am just watching by "feel", this is a foodie drama so the food shots are ono looking.

Tokyo People: the pet trimmer, love how she puts the dryer in her apron, so she has one hand to hold the furry one and one hand to use the brush
Pizzutello Bianco season...these were from Yamanashi prefecture from a farm called Midorien, sweet, delicious and crisp!
Koshi no Shizuku, figs from Niigata, these ripened quickly so we ate them over the weekend with proscuitto.
Harvest Moon
Beautiful sunrises.

Satoshi's been taking tours around and since most of his European clients do not eat lunch, he hasn't been able to. 

I’ll probably start sending him with a musubi or two so he won’t have to go without eating.

Hope you have a safe weekend, we have another 3 day weekend, hoping it gets cooler soon.


Anonymous said...

sure wish we could get fresh quality fruits like Japan, but then again, we get mango, lichee, pineapple. just need more variety of them.
Does Satoshi eat peanut butter sandwiches?

KirkK said...

That groomer has got it "down". What's up with the Europeans not eating lunch? Heck, lunch tends to be the biggest meal in many places we've visited in Europe.