Thursday, September 12, 2024


one pupa and two caterpillars.

I don't think caterpillars can "see" because they keep bothering the pupa

Looks like one caterpillar bit the pupa?

Black "blood"?!

Hoping the other two will change to pupae soon and the one that is already a pupa will be okay.


Anonymous said...

kinda gross. black blood. yeech

KirkK said...

Black blood? Yikes.....

jalna said...

Crossing fingers.

K and S said...

it looks like blood but it might also be the actual butterfly, V, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

like I told V, Kirk, it might also be the actual butterfly, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

Thanks Jalna, Take care, Kat