Kat & Satoshi's eating and traveling adventures around Japan (and sometimes Hawaii)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
strawberry jam
Well, I made the strawberry jam...now, what to eat with it? 1. Fresh out of the oven (plain) scones with this jam, chilled (and a nice cup of joe) is out of this world! It kind of reminded me of eating strawberry shortcake, without the whipped cream.
2. On pancakes. The pancake mix that I buy doesn't have any added sugar in it, so this jam matches perfectly.
3. A dollop in my morning yogurt was also very good.
Changing the subject, have you seen this movie? It was one of the movies that my Aunty M1 let me borrow. Calendar Girls is a very uplifting movie about the women in a little town in Yorkshire, England that band together to raise money for a good cause.
Hope you are enjoying your week, it has been very humid the past couple of days for us.
that's the most yummy looking strawberry jam i've ever seen. mmmmmmm yes! pancakes.
Mmm, homemade strawberry jam! All the different uses look so good, I want a jar!
I can't think of a better way to enjoy strawberry jam than with scones ... lovely!
Hi Bourgogne, Anita & Ivonne,
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you try the recipe, I'm sure you'll find more uses for this jam :) I'm having fun looking for more uses...
Take care!
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