Sunday, June 30, 2024


Apparently Cattlea was the first bakery to create curry pan.

Since the bakery is located in a part of Tokyo that we don't always visit, I was happy to stumble upon their curry pan at the Nihonbashi Takashimaya

It was still warm when I bought it and it kinda got smooshed in my bag.
We ate this the next morning after I put it into the oven then the toaster.

This was filled to the gills with a slightly spicy curry, we loved this.

They also had a spicy version, we tried the original

I'm glad we got to try this and hope to visit the bakery to see what other items they sell.

1-6-10 Morishita
Koto, Tokyo
Closed: Sundays & Mondays
Hours: 7:30-18:30


jalna said...


K and S said...

Jalna, happy we were able to try it :)

Take care.