Wednesday, June 19, 2024

(no can) think outside the box

In Japan, they often wrap items for you for free, this is cool so you can give them to friends right away, like if you were just about to meet up with friends, you run in to buy something and they'll wrap it for you.

The other day, I bought items to be given away as two different presents.

The lady said, I'll "label" it so you'll know what is what.

When she said that, I should have reconfirmed with her but thought she would stick a different color ribbon on each, but when she gave it back to me, she actually stuck a different colored post it on each.

If she was gonna stick a post it, I would've appreciated her writing the different animals that I had purchased instead of just the color.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, and, by the time I get home or even back to the hotel, I forget what was what, even with the "label."

K and S said...

that is true V

Take care.