Monday, February 04, 2019


When we were preparing to move to Tokyo, Satoshi mentioned that he may need me to make lunch for him because the area that he works at doesn't have too many choices (and the choices that are there are quite pricey)

Well, for the past week or so he has been busy at work.

Then last Tuesday, he asked if I could start making him lunch.

Of course I panicked asking him if we have financial problems (some things are a little more expensive than when we lived in Osaka)...he said that wasn't a problem, but that by the time he has a chance to get out of the office, most lunch places are he sometimes goes without eating or eats just a convenience store musubi.

So, I started making him lunch last Thursday.

Shungiku gomaae and kinpira.

Two musubi with salmon and takuan (pickled daikon).

Some oolong tea in a thermos.

It will take some planning ahead and I do need to get up earlier (that's what naps are for), but at least he'll be able to eat lunch.


Kal said...

I think it’s a sweet gesture to prepare and pack lunch for our loved ones. It reminds me of my mom ❤️

Kalin's Mommy said...

So awesome Kat! I used to make Kalin's bento in grade school, musubi and okazu! Yes, it does take planning, but that's the fun part! Take care! Mich

jalna said...

Awwww so sweet. Now you gotta get those heart or animal shaped punches and make cutesy kine cutouts for Satoshi's bento. LOL.

Anonymous said...

awww how sweet of you, but he eats so little bit...I was like 'ok where's the main course like a meat-fish-chicken'. And that is why I and other Americans are so fat! I've been thinking if we adopt a Japanese diet of root and other veggie all cooked so deliciously and differently we would all be a lot healthier! -N

Rowena said...

I think it's a great idea, that way YOU'll be in charge of what he eats (balanced and healthy), and not skipping meals.

KirkK said...

How nice of you to make him lunch! The bento looks delish.

K and S said...

Thanks Kal!

Thanks Mich :)

N, I had put the protein into the musubi, today's bento the musubi was plain and I packed some curry.

Rowena, I should probably eat the bento too, he said he's already lost some weight!

Thanks Kirk :)

Take care everyone!