Stephine of
Bean and Plum Discover the World had commented that she found my blog while surfing the net for a "chinsuko" recipe. This got me surfing the web in Japanese. I found a "chinsuko" recipe on
this site in Japanese and passed it along to her. She tried it and blogged about it.
For those of you who don't know what "chinsuko" are, they are a shortbread-like cookie that can be found in Okinawa. While they have all kinds of flavored ones like pineapple and purple sweet potato, I like the original plain one and I have also found one dipped in dark chocolate, yum!

Here is the recipe it is really easy to make and doesn't take many ingredients.
Chinsuko from "Mezase Champuru"
Makes 15
100g flour (7.025 T)
70g brown sugar (4.9T)
50g lard (3.5T)
Mix lard and sugar together
Add flour and mix well
Shape into 15 cookies leaving space on the tray as the cookies will spread a little
Bake at 170C(325F) for 30 minutes
NOTES: I used Okinawan pure brown sugar. But the taste is not what I envisioned it to be. I'm not too sure how to tweak this recipe, I made only 9 cookies from this recipe and all spread out to a round shaped cookie--the true chinsuko is supposed to look like a stick or a crinkle cut french fry. Mixing the ingredients together formed a rather firm dough so it was easy to roll between my palms and shape with my hands. Still, Stephine's chinsuko definitely looks better, I will try this recipe again.
UPDATE: the blog,
Bean and Plum discover the world, no longer exists but if you would like the recipe, please contact her @ with the subject reading "chinsuko".
Wow, I've never heard of chinsuko but if you and Stephine think the world of it, perhaps I should give it a try. Is the lard and sugar just mixed-mixed or mixed/beaten until fluffy and creamy? Sorry for getting all "detail" on you Kat, but I am racking my brains for new stuff to introduce at the bakery when I get back to work. You know the local crowd..they love this kind of stuff!
P.S. Thanks for the tip on the dill w/salmon. That's the only way I use it too!
Hi Rowena,
The instructions say "mix" so I mixed it by hand, but I also surfed onto another site and the lady was using a whisk, so may I think "beaten" is better. I've found about 3 different recipes with different amounts of ingredients and temps to bake at, still fiddling with it, will let you know if I come up with anything solid.
Take care!
It is always nice to plunge myself into the Japanese food culture with you. I realize that there are so many things I do not know about it!h
You are so kind, Bea!
Take care!
Hi Kat! It's Stephine. While I did remove the blog as "Bean" and I are divorced, I saved everything in HTML. So if your readers would like the recipe or pictures, they can contact me at under the subject "Chinsuko". Btw, Congratulations on your recent anniversary! It's been a pleasure sharing your world.
good to hear from you Stephine. Sorry to hear about your divorce though.
Take care.
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