We received a care package from V (thank you!) the other day. It was filled with all sorts of snacks and these pretty masks made by Honolulu Aunty.
They are much cooler than our origami ones and they fit nicer than the ones the Japanese government gave us...can you believe the Japanese governent ordered more of those teeny masks to pass out?! What a waste of money!

Saturday, Tokyo's rainy season was declared over, later than usual and with so much more rain than other years...let the blazing begin!

Changing the subject, how is this soba shop near Satoshi's new work place?As V said in her letter, it looks like we are going to have to wear masks for awhile longer...sad but true, yeah?! Dunno about you, but I haven't worn lipstick in what feels like ages...
Saturday, Tokyo's rainy season was declared over, later than usual and with so much more rain than other years...let the blazing begin!
We went to the Shinbashi/Toramon area.
Satoshi was reassigned to help out with that Go To Campaign, so we went to check out where his new office is.
He is not looking forward to "what" he'll have to do, but is excited because it is "something" to do.
Plus, he'll be in a different part of Tokyo, so he'll have new places to explore...sort of.
I’m just glad his company hasn’t let go anyone.
...looked it up and it has been in business since 1872!
Hope to check it out when this pandemic is over.Some businesses were asking local government to help them get customers back into their shops, so many cities/prefectures around Japan have started to put stickers on their windows/doors to let customers know that they are abiding by the guidelines that the city/prefecture has set up to combat cluster infections.
FYI: this is Tokyo's.
Hopefully this will bring more customers back into shops...for now we feel it is too risky to eat in any restaurant and are still doing takeout until we can be tested and more asymptomatic people can be too.
Oh, and my rehab place went out of business, I found out as we passed by yesterday.
Hope the doctor retired and nothing serious happened to him (he was kind of elderly and the close was kind of sudden)...sad I didn’t get to say goodbye & thank you for his care.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Love the photo of you and Satoshi. So nice of V!
Oooh i cannot wait to try that soba place. Reminds me of Honke Owariya in Kyoto that has been in business over 530 years!
You're welcome re the goodies. Just sharing some new things we've been finding around here.
Glad to hear Satoshi is still working. Was worried since he's in travel industry.
Oh, you look so nice in your masks! V was so nice to drop by and pick up some as my mask tester and gave me constructive feedback. She mentioned wanting to send some over to you. She is such a nice, kind person!
Lovely selfie Kat! I'm fascinated by the soba shop - so hopefully when all of this passes, you'll get to visit. Take care!
Thanks Jalna, V is so sweet!
Next time you come to Japan, V, we go :) Thanks again!
Thank you Honolulu Aunty!
Hopefully when this is over, we can meet you & the Missus there Kirk :)
Take care everyone.
I haven't slapped on foundation in a long time!
ah I know some people that haven't put on foundation in awhile too, Rowena!
Take care.
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