Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Sunday, Satoshi went to renew his license, so we met up at Ooimachi afterwards.

It had been a couple of years plus the pandemic since we'd eaten at Takakuramachi Coffee.

They don't play the Beatles anymore, or at least we couldn't hear it if they were
Since it was a really late lunch, I ordered their power salad.

I wanna know how they made this chicken so juicy and crispy!

Saw that they have a chicken sandwich on the menu, so I want to order this next time.

Satoshi had their napolitan (no photo)

We both had coffee afterwards…3300 yen (tax included) total

After lunch, we went to check out the 6 fancy public toilets in front of the station
They look like tiny buildings.

If the round light near the door is on that means it is available, if the round light is off it means that someone is using it.

It was nice to reconnect with this area, hope to be back soon.


KirkK said...

You've been doing some fun "exploring" recently Kat!

K and S said...

Thanks Kirk :)

Take care.