Thursday, October 05, 2023

on the lanai

cyclamen leaves coming in

hopefully it will flower next March 
blood orange looks to be doing well, I think there were also some freesia bulbs left in the soil when I planted the blood orange, so there is a freesia plant coming up
the freesia in these planters are doing well

Gajimaru (banyan) (really skinny), ti plant & philodendron selloum.

I keep these, especially the gajimaru in this basket because the wind always knocks it over.

Plus it is an easy way to bring them in whenever a typhoon is approaching.

Gajimaru and philodendron are from the 100 yen shop many many moons ago and the ti plant was in an arrangement that I took a chance and planted.

gonna jinx myself by saying it is FINALLY getting cooler!


Anonymous said...

again, so jealous of your cyclamen. I went through about 5 and they all did not sprout. I think because I leave them outside and the rainy season always soaks them.

K and S said...

V, hope you'll be successful with cyclamen :)

Take care.

Rowena said...

lol, so of course when you said "gonna jinx myself" I just had to see what the internet has to say about undoing it, so here goes:

How to un jinx yourself
If you are jinxed, go in the bathroom and these are some rules:
1.lock the door
2.turn off the lights
3.turn all of the sinks hot water on
4.wait for the steam to go in front of the mirror
5.write your name on the mirror and your name spelled backwords should be above it
6.say your name 3 times and monster will pop out of the mirror and you're not jinxed any more
7.don't let him attack you or you'll be one of him
8.get a bazooka [eh???]
9.shoot the big bullet at him [this person musta been on drugs]
10.point at the dead body saying, haha! And that is how you do it.

jalna said...

Good gardener!

KirkK said...

The plants look like they are doing well in spite of the extreme temperatures. You must have a green thumb!

K and S said...

Rowena, lol thanks!

Jalna, thanks :)

Kirk, thanks

Take care everyone.