Friday, August 16, 2024


In the past, my cell carrier, Softbank charged us about $20 a day to use unlimited data overseas

I thought this was krazy, so I solely relied on Wi-Fi whenever I was in Hawaii

This trip though, I checked to see what the latest was and it turns out that somewhere over the years, Softbank now gives subscribers, unlimited data and calls are now FREE in Hawaii, it’s a little different for calls to the mainland (continental US) and other countries

In Japan, I usually turn my data off and rely on Wi-Fi only because my plan isn’t a flat rate and the more I use the more they’ll charge me.

So this trip, being able to use maps in Hawaii was a treat, I told Satoshi that the month that I’d be in Hawaii would be a sort of test, hoping that it truly was free data and calls

So I wouldn’t forget, before boarding to come back to Japan, I turned off my data

I just checked my billing for July and it was truly free data & calls…whew!


jenny said...

That's great! And so awesome for Japanese tourists in Hawaii, all the more reason to visit!!

Saburo said...

Yay Softbank! Go Hawks!

Anonymous said...

What a score! AT&T charges $10 or $12 for each 24 hr period that you use data or text. Calls are still expensive.
I love those gardenias and finding out there are many different varieties. What amazes me is that from the same plant, flowers can have 5, 6 or 7 petals.

K and S said...

it's the food and shopping prices that aren't too great for them right now Jenny:) Take care, Kat

K and S said...

go Tigers :) Saburo, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

I love these gardenias or tiare as they are sometimes called, V, Take care, kat

jalna said...

Wow! That's awesome!

KirkK said...

Awesome Kat! Glad it worked out!

K and S said...

Thanks Jalna, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

me too Kirk, Take care, Kat