Sunday, August 25, 2024


Last Thursday, we were preparing for Typhoon Ampil or #7 as the Japanese call it.

There was this weird cloud outside and also a rainbow "spot"

close up of the rainbow spot.

I was also worried that the Fireworks for our ward would be cancelled.

For the past 6 years I've been waiting to show Satoshi the fireworks that we can see from our lanai.

(Since 2018, there have been typhoons, the pandemic and just bad weather that has cancelled the show.)

Luckily, even with #7 approaching, they went ahead with the show.

I'm also thankful they didn't change the area that they launch them from so we could enjoy them from our lanai.

If it weren’t krazy humid, I think we might’ve gone down to see them up close, one day…

If you'd like to see some fireworks, please look here.


Anonymous said...

lucky you were finally able to see from your lanai. I could see the Hilton one from my dining room until my neighbor built a 2nd story. Then, could only see the highest ones from my bedroom. But I can hear the booms whenever there are fireworks in Waikiki unless it's really windy.

KirkK said...

Awesome that you could enjoy the fireworks from your lanai!

Anonymous said...

somebody must've had enough of all the killjoy in previous years and decided that the show must go on!👍

K and S said...

Glad we were finally able to see this V, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

I agree Kirk, no need to mess with the crowds, Take care, Kat

K and S said...

Glad the typhoon wasn't closer, Anon, otherwise they would've cancelled it, Take care, Kat