Saturday, March 08, 2014

on a walk (or two)

The weather is still crazy, we had flurries again yesterday.

The temperature wasn't even very low it was like 7C (44F)...still I have been getting out and walking...

Caught these girls with their make-shift basketball hoop.

It is actually a contraption used to hang clothes to dry. They were shooting the ball over the horizontal pole and making the girl up top fetch the ball.

I noticed these sasanqua trees.

Love all the pink petals scattered on the ground.

A car company that sells import cars.

Tried to catch a shot of this cat on the other side of his house, he thought he could out smart me, but I found him...

I've been taking my photos with my phone and sometimes I can't see what I'm taking because of the glare on the screen.

I thought I didn't snap this MINI, but when I looked at the photo I took, there it was.

What have you been seeing on your walks?


Rowena said...

The lowest I'll go is 4°C, but it has to be with full sun or else the Mister will complain after 500 meters. Hope it warms up for you guys soon.

K and S said...

whoo hoo today is 16C Rowena, but we gonna get some rain :(

Take care.