Wednesday, August 30, 2023

shine muscat

It's shine muscat season...

The thing that irked Satoshi was that the guy that he has ordered from in the past just sent an email to him on Friday telling him that he sent us a box and that we should deposit 4500 yen into his account without confirming whether Satoshi was going to order or not.

And then somehow we had missed the delivery guy's message on Saturday, so we were surprised when the delivery guy came by to redeliver it on Sunday.

It wasn't refrigerated, so I think it got a little "cooked" in the truck because there were many orbs that were not on the stems 

Either that or the quality is not too good this year

Satoshi contacted the guy and he said “if you don’t want it just send it back” WT?!

At least they were still sweet, even if this whole incident left a “bad taste” in our mouth.


Anonymous said...

that is the most absurd business practice, almost to the point of being a scam!
At least they were still good, but dang!

K and S said...

V, yeah Satoshi wasn't too happy.

Take care.

jalna said...

Aiyaiyai! As the lady riding a bike with two dogs on a leash while trying to pass me and Kona said, "Well, that didn't go well!"

K and S said...

Jalna yup

Take care.

KirkK said...

What's going on with customer service these days???

K and S said...

Kirk, downhill yeah?!

Take care.