The other day, I happened to buy some items from 7-11, they were having a drawing, if you bought 700 yen (about US$7) worth of things, you could participate.
So, I pulled out a ticket and won...this tea.
It is a Ginger Chai by Itoen, but the first ingredient is sugar, so I have a feeling it will be really sweet.
I like that I won, but dislike that it will be so sugary.
I filled them with peanut butter...the chewy ones were like brownies...yum!
This coffee is sustainably grown and is made by the late Bob Marley's son, Rohan.
The beans are a little smaller than other coffees I have bought, but the flavor is good. Rich with hints of chocolate.
Right now, we are trying "One Love", a 100% Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, I also have "Buffalo Soldier", a blend of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe paired with grade 1 Indonesian and Central American beans, which I'm also looking forward to trying.
I had a Lavender Earl Grey Latte & Satoshi had their Caramel Steamer.
Though I wish they wouldn't allow smoking, so that we could enjoy the aroma of the different coffees more.
I happened across these at Sony Plaza and picked up their Chai and Darjeeling Earl Grey and love both.
Whoo, this was quite a long post...what are you liking (disliking)?
Hey Kat - Those mushrooms look great! Congrats on your win..... it's always a great feeling to win something. ;o)
Oooh, I have to check out the Marley tea next time I get a chance in Hawaii! And mmmm, I'd love to taste that sauteed mushroom. I do have an unnatural love for mushrooms and the filone also sounds delish :)
I'm also suddenly in the mood for another cuppa tea! That is awesome you spotted Teapigs tea there! (And so sweet of you to mention me with it:)) What I wouldn't give to just hop over to Japan for a pure food pleasure trip...
I love your posts where you cover a variety of new items. Today I'm drooling over the baguette sandwich from Starbucks; I wish they had comparable quality here at the Hawaii Starbucks (IMHO, their pastry quality has gone done quite a bit, more like supermarket quality at this point!).
I don't think it was too long, I enjoyed this post! Thanks for sharing your likes and dislikes. I want to do that on my blog!
Everything looks great. Between your mushrooms and that SBUX sandwich I am now craving sauteed mushrooms. ;-)
Thanks Kirk :)
It is coffee not tea Jude :)
Thanks Anon! the last time I was home I didn't try any items from Starbucks, wasn't willing to pay $2 or $3 for a rice krispie treat.
Good luck with your posting Lyndsey :)
Hope you get your mushroom fix Debinhawaii :)
Take care everyone.
Heehee..right now I'm liking all the pirated copies of Bourdain's show that are uploaded on youtube. I finally watched the Rome episode! Yummmmmmmmm!
Glad you were able to watch the Rome episode Rowena, I should really search around to view more online :)
Take care.
Aww, I love the HK charm! Congrats on winning something!
K, it is cute :)
Take care.
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